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BSBA HRM, BSBA FM, Culture and Arts & Extension Services Join Hands for CLB 101 Culminating Activity

December 21, 2024 - As part of the series of culminating activities for CLB101 this semester, the students of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Management and major in Financial Management visited the PDL (Persons Deprived of Liberty). These BA students was joined by the Extension Services led by Mr. James Macalalad and the Culture and Arts office headed by Mr. Jeffson Acorda. Representing the faculty for CLB101 for the two majors was Assistant Coordinator of Institutional Communications and Lead Adviser of CLIMB, Mr. Jericho Alay.

This is an annual tradition wherein the college joins hands with VIPS (Volunteers in Prison Service) to give simple gifts to these PDLs at the Provincial Jail. Also present during the gift-giving are selected representatives from Casa Del Bambino and Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas.

Article: Karl Adrian San Miguel
Photos: Culture & Arts, Student Publication